Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My 2013 in review with (almost) no art

 This should be lower

 started to work for a new book store
finally own this 
 no longer work for this bookstore, but got 1 last graduation there
 went to one of my brother's gigs and took some friends along
and got to watch a  bunch of her cats while she was out of state 

my nieces tried to kill us on vacation 
 i bought, gasp, jewelry!
we took my nieces to the Crayola factory 
 got the same socks as one of them
Found a sweatshirt with Sarabi on it 
Managed to get Wiliam Kircher the doll I made of his character front eh hobbit 

 got to spend time with my Aunty
this came out 

 got to hug Agent Coulson…sort of
 WARLORDS OF DRANOR is coming out at some point and all the original races are getting NEW models!

 surprise gift for a friend

 finally getting physical therapy for my wrist
my nieces got slinks form Santa 
 I got hand made, heart shaped, tea bags from a former coworker turned friend
 i found my chocker
got more storage for my room 

 got a new phone case

who even trusts an exotic bird NOT to get bird napped? 
 my friend managed to get promoted to a new store and left this place behind

 i had to retire these socks

I got the ONE RING (again) 

 ok, art supplies
 my lo-pockets
 found batman
 the ball Cliff Lee threw that my dad caught
 sweet gods, i bought shorts

 hurt my wrist at work
 went to acen
 did my first cosplay

 got this signed from weta from their limited run
 saw Jason and (oh gods, i forgot his name) from Ghosthunters up in reading
 got to spend time with a friend =D
 got new shoes
 saw a real life bat
 love sock dreams
 got a stronger brace for my wrist

 heading to ACEN

 didn't stay in this long, ended up having a small panic attack...

 discovered NEEDLE FELTING
 good by Acen

Man, these were NOT in any kind of order...

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