Sunday, June 30, 2013

Something's Fishy

so, I had a scrap of red felt and I wanted to see if I could needle felt anything onto it.  Some how an eye took shape...and then myself and 2 otehr people said that once the black got added to it it really reminded us of those gold fish from Fantasia.
So that got me thinking and so I went over the peach with blues and greens, purple and white and tada! Sort of a fish, but still an eye.  I like the way it turned out.

owls...or bunnies?

a needle felted owl lantern, and what it's really supposed to look like.

Dwarrow, this is why they live so long

They live so long because they take so long to make!  Mahal, I know your pain now!

This is Bifur from the Hobbit.  The cousin of Bofur (the one with the hat) and Bombur (the heaviest one).  I wanted to do Bifur because I think he is one of the ones that gets the least amount of recognition.  Aside from his hair not looking as wild as it did in the sketch, i'm please with how he turned out.  ^_^

Thundercats, HO!

So, a friend asked why, if I got by "Sarabi" on line, have I not drawn her in the 2011 Thundercats style.  I couldn't give her an answer, so I drew Sarabi!me as a thundercat.  near as I can tell, all lions have red hair in the reboot.  o.O

So here, have a head shot and a full body.  =)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

another something new

My first try at needle felting. The smaller cat is made from sculpey. 

Took about three hours for the felty.