Saturday, March 17, 2012

it's bee awhile for her

I came up with my Atlas in high school I used to have a huge photoshop file of almost all of the art I'd done former. Sadly I think I never came off my first mac and is thus lost. =/

I'm not too broken up though cause some of the originals were...i'll say god awful and that's putting it nicely. ^_^;;

So, this is the new file:
top row is Atlas in her standard fuku design that i came up with in high school, nothing too flashy, more subdued colors to show that she's a moon and not a major planet. I originally tried to keep vaguely similar to Saturn's design to show that Atlas was one of her moons.

the middle row:
The first one (on the left) was for a forum based rp I was in where Atlas needed to go either a bit crazy, or very dark. yes, she really is holding a blue skull, you don't even want to know how much blue berry coolaid that took. the other 3 are for the first re-design I did for her fuku. the last pic in this row is a stole pose from one of the sailor moon coloring book pages that are online. someone asked me to make Atlas look more much more official can you get then going over a coloring book page?

the last 2 are 2 more costume re-designs from last year and just this week. Not really sure if i want to go back to the original costume style or what, but it was fun to come up with the re-designs anyway.

I know of at least one person that likes the original design best, and I do have a fondness for it, but it's still fun to see what else I can come up with for Atlas to wear. =D

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