Monday, December 28, 2015

Witness me

Here is what I made for my sister for Christmas this year: 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Till the End of the Line, and Beyond

A friend of mine told me that Chris Evans was going to be at SLCC this year, in just about 2 weeks if I recall correctly, so I told her that I would make her a doll to gift to him.  He doesn't do many, if any, conventions, and I've given dolls to William Kirchur, Jed Brophy, Adam Brown, Sebastian Stan and Hayley Atwell.  I clearly needed to make it 3 vs 3 for Dwarven actors vs Captain America actors/actresses.

The body base and the Captain I started to make way back when Avengers 1 came out.  Guess who never got finished...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Everyone Deserves One

I'll admit it...
...This looks a bit strange, but stick with me, I promise it gets better!

Always find your way

A gift for my sister

For when she finally got her ex to move out.  Now her house is her home.  What better way to prove that than to give her a little piece of Bag End? 

Mini Tiger, still missing reindeer

This is the sketch for the 2 mini tigers
This is what they where both based on, they turned out quite different from each other.

The Pick-Pocket

The top of that head looks oddly familiar...

And that is because it is Nori!  Ori's Older brother, and the company's original thief.  He is my 2nd all needle felted dwarf and was made specifically for Jed Brophy when I found out that he was going to be at Dragon*Con in 2014.  Yes, I know I'm just a little late in post this progression.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2015